Ressources Humaines
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Ressources Humaines


Titre Artiste Editeur Référence Participation
Ressources Humaines CEZ 4062 Compositeur
1 Human resources
2 An undertaking
3 Passion play
4 On the move
5 Deadline
Ecoutez un extrait de Deadline Stop
6 Day to day
7 Miss jenny (manager's assistant)
8 Holidays dream
9 Agenda
10 Small hitch
11 Brainstorming
12 Intuition
13 Micro manage
14 Precision
15 Collective conscience
16 Art & craft
17 Dexterity
18 Organic matter
19 Find time
20 Happy space
21 Hand made
22 Corporate culture
23 Made in france
24 Father time
Ecoutez un extrait de Father time Stop
25 A good idea
26 Assembly line
27 129 seconds
28 Autonoman
29 Flow-shop
30 Modernisation
31 Social context
32 On strike
33 The hours
34 The daily grind
35 Day to day enterprise
36 Energy storage
Production O.M.P. Studios ASBL
Editeur Cezame
Composition Line Adam
Enregistrement Colin Burton
Mixage Colin Burton
Mastering Colin Burton